Sunday, February 17, 2019
Monday, September 25, 2017
Type Conversion
conversion is done when the expression has variables of different data types
§Type conversion is used to convert a type of a variable into another data types.
§There are two types of Type conversion in Computer programming..
§Implicit is a type conversion in which is done automatically during program execution according
to hierarchy
of data types as shown in the figure.
Long double
Unsigned Long int
Long int
Unsigned int
§Examples float f; float salary=15000.0
x; int I; int sal
Int y=3; f=I; sal=salar y
higher data type is converted into the value of lower data type
lower data types.
§This typecasting is under the programmer’s control and not
under the compiler’s control.
The integer variant of %f is =3
Int y=3; f=I; sal=salar y
§It is a type of explicit /forced conversion in which value ofhigher data type is converted into the value of lower data type
lower data types.
§This typecasting is under the programmer’s control and not
under the compiler’s control.
int main()
float f,int i;
printf(“\nEnter the floating point number: “);
scanf(“%f” ,&f);
printf(“\n %d” ,f, i);
return 0;
Output : Enter the floating point number:3.76The integer variant of %f is =3
Friday, August 18, 2017
Features Of Java
ØObject Oriented
ØGarbage Collector
Java Programming is simple to understand because OPP(Object Oriented Programming) is 100%
applicable in Java programming language.
ØObject Oriented Language
Object oriented programming is a methodology in which programs using objects and classes every problems treated as an entity which makes program designing easier.
Java allows to distributes their objects from one machine to another machine because it is platform
independent language that you can able to run java program online.
Java is a interpreted programming language because basically it runs through interpreter.
Java programming gives the feature of fault tolerance.e(Java program design to handle any real life
There are lots of resion that makes Java is very secure programming language it doesn't have any
traditional pointer concept like C programming so, it is not possible to access any memory location in
Java and it save your data.It i.a a big reason that nowadays every money transaction related works is
doing through Java programming application.
Features Of Java
Java Programming is simple to understand because OPP(Object Oriented Programming) is 100%
applicable in Java programming language.
Object oriented programming is a methodology in which programs using objects and classes every problems treated as an entity which makes program designing easier.
Java allows to distributes their objects from one machine to another machine because it is platform
independent language that you can able to run java program online.
Java is a interpreted programming language because basically it runs through interpreter.
Java programming gives the feature of fault tolerance.e(Java program design to handle any real life
There are lots of resion that makes Java is very secure programming language it doesn't have any
traditional pointer concept like C programming so, it is not possible to access any memory location in
Java and it save your data.It i.a a big reason that nowadays every money transaction related works is
doing through Java programming application.
Java code runs through any system through some modification or no modification.
We can able to runs two or more Java codes parallaly or simultaneously which is independent to
each other.
ØGarbage Collector
Java code runs through any system through some modification or no modification.
We can able to runs two or more Java codes parallaly or simultaneously which is independent to
each other.
ØGarbage Collector
Java has a garbage collector to release or remove unusable memory blocks which prevents the space
complexity of a program.Must Watch
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Java – Overview
ØJava is a high-level programming
language originally developed
as a project which leaded by James
Gosling and his team members
Patrick Noughton ,Chris Warth,Ed Frank and Mike Sheridan at Sun
Micro systems and released in 1995. Java runs on a variety of
platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various
versions of UNIX.
ØJava language initially called ‘Oak’ but was renamed “Java” in 1995.
ØIn 2010 java acquire by the Oracle Corporation for US$7.4billion.
ØTypes of Java
ØJava SE(Core Java)
ØJava EE/2E (Advanced
ØJava ME (Micro edition
for mobile application)
Saturday, August 5, 2017
How To Make gif Gift for Sharing Your Friends By Youtube
1.Open the youtube search any videos and in link of that youtube page youb just type gif before the youtube like
2.After that you may go to another page and you can set the time in which you want a gif.
3.In next step your gif will prepare and you can dowload the gif for sharing it to your friends.
How to repeat videos on youtube without using mouse
1.Open the youtube and in link of youtube page you just type repeat after the youtube like Watch
2.After that you may go to another page and you can enjoy your favorite videos or songs.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Variable & Constant
§A variable is nothing but a name given to a storage area
that our programs can manipulate. Each variable in C has a specific data type, which determines the size of the
variable's memory.
§A variable is an entity that does change.
Numeric Variableà Used to stores either integer values or character values.
Character Variableà Used to stores Alphabet or ASCII values.
§A variable cannot be type void.
int a 10
*Here int is a data type of variable a whose constant value is 10
§A constant is an identifier whose value doesn't change during execution
of program.
§Numeric Integer
§Integerà Sequence of
digits //23 , 102 , 154 etc…
§Real à A floating point type
or fractional values. // 3.7 , 6.45 ,
34.65 etc…
Character Integer
§Singleà ‘a’
‘d’ ‘g’ ‘C’ etc….
§Stringà “samir”
§Declaring Constant
§Count float pi=3.14